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The Power of Love
8 February 2024

The Power of Love

What is love? 


When you speak of love, many people only think of romantic love. I believe it is much more than that and you can experience it in many different forms and situations – your parents love, love of a friend, your child or your pet…..

I believe love is an intelligent energy and has the capacity to inform, educate, make you feel good, expand your heart and your consciousness and many more things.

Love is a powerful energy with the ability to transform. Where there is a difficult situation with conflict and anger, you can wish love on it and it will sooth the situation. Love is a healing energy which has the capacity for enabling significant change. The situation can be a personal one or a national or global one. Given the tensions in our world today, any love you offer is very worthwhile.

You do not need romantic love to experience love.

Love is an emotion you can feel in your heart which I assume is why so many pictures of love use a heart to depict it. Focus on your heart and think of someone you love; you will most likely get a feeling in your heart. There may be a sense of movement and expansion.

Can love really make a difference?

Love comes in many shapes. It can come in an act of kindness such as making someone a cup of tea when they arrive home from work tired. An act done with love, rather than resentment or annoyance, has a different quality to it. The recipient will most likely sense the difference and respond to an action done with love differently.

The power of payer I believe is an example of the potential change love being placed on a person or situation can bring about. Sick people who are prayed for have a greater probability of getting well.

Give wishing love a try. You need to wish love without expectation of the outcome. It is the receivers right to choose whether to accept it.

Can my love make a difference in the world?

Imagine what the world would be like without love. At a very personal level, it would be a very bleak existence.

The more love you give and receive in your life, influences the people whose lives you touch for the better. You may not know how much difference your love makes to another person. A neighbour you smile at and say ‘Good morning’ to may be so pleased as you are the only person they will speak to today.

Your love can ripple outwards. It can help to make a happier and stronger community around you. Stronger communities’ nurture all in them which makes the country stronger. And so, it multiplies and goes.

Your love most certainly makes a difference.

Keep giving and receiving love to help transform our world.


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