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2025 Message
2 January 2025

2025 Message





As one year completes and a new one starts, it’s a good time to reflect on what went well in 2024 and what was more challenging. What do you intend to do differently in 2025?

It is as simple as asking yourself what you want more of and less of.

Taking myself as an example, it looks like this;

More                                                                           Less

1. More time to relax                                                  Focus on work

2. Greater balance between the 3 aspects                 Feeling life is running too fast

of my life – Family & friends, home and work

3. Reflect more on my choices                                    Stop allowing deadlines to drive my life


I don’t believe in great long lists. They are just too hard to maintain. They become an overhead in themselves and are often abandoned by February. Each of us owns our own life, and our choices deliver the life we experience.

A New Year is an opportunity to make different choices

Looking at the world stage….

It has undoubtedly been challenging, given the continued war in Ukraine, the Middle East conflicts, and the sharp rightward shift in politics in many countries. This could be seen as the Burning Ground that often precedes significant change. Vedic astrology and yogic philosophy suggest that humanity is in the transitional phase of the Kali Yuga, an age of materialism and conflict, toward a brighter age, Satya Yuga of truth, perfection, and spirituality. The 2020s are seen as a crucial period for awakening spiritual consciousness.

I feel 2025 will be a better year, a turning point for humanity, our group development, and the realisation that we are all connected, so kindness to one another matters.

There are enough of us now awake to start to make a difference. Terrible things can happen globally, but never feel you can’t make a difference. How you think, feel, and behave influences those around you, and it ripples outwards.

I have always felt humanity's evolution will happen bottom upward rather than our political and economic leaders leading us to a better way of living. You are a part of that upward movement, so never doubt how you behave doesn’t have an impact. Even in the most difficult of challenges, dignity and kindness matter.

While I feel 2025 is a pivotal year as we move into an era of greater conscious awareness as more of us awaken to our true capabilities, I decided to check out what spiritual teachings were saying. This is what I found.

Many ancient wisdoms and spiritual teachings see the 2020s as a transition period, with 2025 pivotal in humanity’s spiritual evolution, the shift into a new age, or the culmination of cosmic cycles. This period is associated with significant cosmic and planetary alignments, leading to the potential for heightened spiritual energies to influence Earth.

Alice Bailey's esoteric philosophy, derived from the teachings of her spiritual guide Djwhal Khul (often referred to as the Tibetan), speaks of:

  • A major assembly of the Masters of the Wisdom meets in the 25th year of each century to review human progress and see how it can be assisted.
  • Humanity determines its destiny through free will by responding to spiritual guidance. This demonstrates humanity’s ability to align with goodwill, unity, and correct human relations principles.
  • There is a call for a united humanity to embrace service, brotherhood, and spiritual values.

The Law of One (Ra Material)

  • Shift to Fourth Density: The Law of One speaks of Earth transitioning from third density (focused on self-awareness and choice) to fourth density (centred on love and understanding).
  • Harvest of Souls: The "harvest" refers to a metaphysical sorting of souls aligned with service to others or service to self.

Michael Teachings

  • By the mid-2020s, humanity may reach a tipping point in global consciousness, marked by deeper emotional empathy, equality, and the restructuring of societal systems.
  • Transition from Young to Mature Soul Cycles: This shift moves from competitive, self-centred values (Young Soul) to cooperation, interdependence, and spiritual seeking (Mature Soul).

Anthroposophy (Rudolf Steiner):

  • Steiner, founder of Anthroposophy, outlined humanity's spiritual evolution through cultural epochs. The 21st century bridges the current epoch (focused on intellect and materialism) and a future epoch emphasising spiritual insight and collective harmony.

Astrological Perspectives

  • Pluto in Aquarius: 2023–2026 Pluto enters Aquarius. This transit is often associated with profound societal transformation, innovation, and the collective restructuring of power systems. The 2025 alignment marks a point where humanity may embrace new paradigms of community, technology, and spiritual insight.
  • Saturn-Neptune Conjunction: In 2025, Saturn and Neptune align in Aries, symbolizing the potential for integrating spiritual ideals into practical structures, dissolving illusions, and fostering a new vision for humanity.

Summary of Overlapping Themes

Many teachings converge on the mid-2020s as a period of:

  • Heightened spiritual opportunities for individuals and the collective.
  • Societal transformation, with old structures breaking down and new paradigms emerging.
  • Increased challenges and purification as humanity aligns more closely with higher frequencies.
  • Opportunities for global unity and the evolution of consciousness.

This convergence suggests that 2025 may represent a turning point for humanity. It is an opportunity and a privilege to be alive at this time.

Just continue to contribute by living your best life each day.

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