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Can you trust the guidance from your intuition?
29 April 2024

Can you trust the guidance from your intuition?





Intuition has been recognised over the ages as a ‘gut feeling’ which lets you know if something is not right. Intuition can be much more than an alert mechanism. For me it is a beacon which you can use to listen to messages of guidance from your soul, guide and spirit. It works two ways, so you can ask questions too. Over time you will learn to distinguish the different feel of you soul, guide and spirit so you will know who you are talking to.

How do I feel my intuition?

The messages are not usually in words. They come more as a sensing or knowing. You may also start to see situations or people through your mind’s eye. When I was first training as a medium, I used to look at people with human eyes. But as I learnt to use all of my senses, I started to use my mind’s eye which is the 3rd eye chakra between your brows. It can look more deeply and give you more insight into what is happening in your life. My 3rd eye then connected with my heart and I could feel in my heart what was right. This is why when you ‘speak from your heart’ people hear the truth and authenticity of what you are saying. If you look at public speakers when this moment arrives, without realising it, they often put their hand on their heart.

We all have intuition but somehow over history we have supressed the use of it. It’s a good resource and gives good advice so why not make use of it. The more you use it, the easier it becomes.

What can I use my intuition for?

You don’t need to reserve it for those most challenging times. You can use it for everyday decisions and living. I’ve used it to find lost reading glasses, deciding on how long to set the microwave for individual dishes, knowing where someone has gone and many other everyday situations.

How reliable is the advice from my intuition?

Can you be sure you have received the message correctly? If you are not sure, put it to one side and try listening again another day. If the message is the same, you have probably heard it correctly. It takes time to build up confidence in the messages so you can trust them. Try it out on small things in your life first to enable the trust to build. Even in a busy environment, you can take three deep breaths and go to that quiet place inside. Here is the easiest space to ask a question and to feel the reply. The more you practice and observe, the more you will tap into a deep knowledge and wisdom.

Can I use it at work as well as at home?

You take yourself everywhere you go – so yes! Intuition is more objective and wiser than your normal self. It is full of compassion and love for you. It is never cross, critical or impatient with you. If you receive messages like this, it is your ego talking so don’t listen to it. Of course, in all of this don’t cut your brain off. Still consider a situation with your logical brain for the positives and negatives of it. But then let go and ask your intuition what it thinks. I have seen a Marketing Director in a FTSE100 company listen to the facts of a project, then put his hand on his heart and listen to his intuition. He was a successful man.

Using your intuition effectively takes practice. The more you use it, the more comfortable you will feel about it. Here is a good way of practicing;

  1. Close your eyes and focus on your heart.
  2. Take 3 deep breaths
  3. Think of someone or something that you love.
  4. Think of something you want help with in your life – it could be on a job, health, where to live….
  5. Ask 3 questions;

What do I want to know now?

What can I do to help myself?

Ask a question that is most important in your life now

       6. Take a deep breath and say thank you

       7. Open your eyes.


Good luck with connecting with your intuition. If you have questions or need more advice, ask one of the Crystal Clear Psychic readers for assistance. They will be happy to advise.

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