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New Moon in Libra
25 September 2022

New Moon in Libra




On September 25th the New Moon enters the constellation of Libra and is our first Lunar event straight after the Autumnal Equinox, or Mahon. As we prepare for the dark cosy snuggly nights full of magick, pumpkins and fallen leaves, Saturday’s night sky gives us a blank canvas to get back into the manifestation swing.  


Libra is the sign of the scales and is all about balance with the ruling planet being Venus.. the planet of love. Venus represents how we love and how we allow ourselves to be loved but can also remind us of past hurt and intensify any loneliness us singletons may feel. Should any of these harder energies appear and start to bug us, we can switch our focus around to self-love. What is it we truly crave in a relationship? Most would say security, acceptance and respect, which are the basics and foundations of any successful pairing, but we have to remember we need to find this within ourselves first before we can ever expect to find it in another. If you cannot find this within, then ask the New Moon to help you through this. Also, for those who are in a relationship, revisit these core principles and ask if they are still being met. It may be time to perform a relationship stock check and go back to basics if needed.


We have all heard of the suggestion “would you speak to your best friend the way you speak to yourself”? Quite a few years ago, for a college psychology experiment, I watched two people face each other and speak to each other the way they speak to themselves. This was harrowing to witness, and I don’t think there were many in attendance who didn’t shed a tear. This has never left me and plays on my mind often and is something I highly recommend anyone to do to see just how hard they are on themselves. This will open your eyes and should kick start any self-love journey so please do ask The Moon and Venus to guide you through this and help you to discover a refreshed  love of yourself.


During this New Moon period feelings of indecisiveness may arise, upheaval may be present, and cracks can start to appear in otherwise somewhat stable situations. We must remember that things don’t happen to us, they happen for us and whatever this Libra moon needs to do to bring about that Libra balance in your life, it will.


But on a positive note, the last couple of New Moons haven’t had the full power for manifestation the way this big one does, so as far as getting your manifestation thing on… go hard or go home I say! A lovely friend of mine was telling me all about how she manifested her perfect partner after years of the single life and grown-up children, it was such a beautiful story and her glow shows just how in love she is! She simply just wrote down exactly what she wanted, right down to every last detail and just affirmed ‘this is what I want’ and that is what she got! How easy is that to do!? Combining her very simple technique with the fact the lunar and astrological energy is perfect for this right now, what are you waiting for?!


I am fortunate to be able to spend the New Moon with one of my closest friends and we will be getting our witchy vibes and manifestation hats on and enjoying the process. Spells, tarot, good food, amazing energy, rituals and journaling while keeping warm and snug from the autumn Welsh night. Either for this Moon or any future ones, consider making a deal of it with friends and help each other raise the energy further to get the very best outcomes you can! How are Moon parties not still a compulsory thing? Let’s change that and bring them back.


Lots of love


Emma x x

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