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New Moon in Virgo
27 August 2022

New Moon in Virgo




The 2022 New Moon in Virgo falls on August 27th at 9:17am (GMT). This wonderful Moon comes to us to bring a sense of calm after the high intensities we have experienced astrologically over the summer. Most myths generally view Virgo as a virgin maiden with associations to wheat. In Greek and Roman mythology, the constellation is related to Demeter, the Greek goddess of harvest, or her daughter Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. So, what is a Virgo Moon like? Well, it is the most practical of them all, earthy, and grounding and although the New Moons are all about manifestation, this Moon just doesn’t quite have the right conditions for this as it wants us to focus on something different.  


As we move into Virgo season, the theme is all about our own harvest. What have we learned so far in 2022 that we can call upon? What successes can we recognise and congratulate ourselves for? Taking stock like this allows us to either forge on with current plans or make changes and adjustments where needed. Have we done enough? For example, those of us wanting to manifest a new love interest can look at our own journey and ask ourselves if we have healed enough from past hurt or have we learned enough about ourselves yet to be able to lay firmer boundaries in future?


Virgos are by nature committed, organised and born planners. I have my own Virgo who is turning 10 in a couple of weeks! She is constantly arranging and rearranging her bedroom, organising her photos and has an unlimited supply of notepads and diaries. Yup, that’s a Virgo all over! So, draw on this energy and do a personal and soul inventory by having a life clean-up. Pay off any old debts, have conversations that need to be had and move on, reorganise your home and declutter, block that person who isn’t bringing the good energy you need, apply for a new job….anything! Just get organised! Energy flows better when not blocked by clutter, whether that be in a room, a chakra, your mind or even your heart.


On a spiritual level, now is a good time to remember a few things and organise your divine journey. We need to recollect that we chose to be here at this time, in this life and experience these experiences. We contracted all of this, so this Virgo Moon literally brings us back down to Earth. What have you learned so far? How can you rearrange your spiritual practices? What do you need to remove to be able to dedicate more time to your path? With this grounding Moon, are you grounding enough? Are you in alignment with Mother Gaia? Are you spending enough time in nature? Yes, this is a crazy whirlwind of a planet, these humans around us act in strange ways at times, but it’s one absolute beauty of a home, for now at least. Stop, pause, take your shoes off, listen to mother nature’s wind and whispers, then plan how you move forward and ascend. Enjoy the gorgeousness of this stunning planet while you’re visiting.


Virgo is a ‘mutable’ sign, so it is flexible but at times indecisive, so be aware of any potential overthinking or overreacting and ground yourself if you feel this starting to grow within. Also, when you are organising, give yourself both a two-week plan (for the waxing period approaching the Full Moon in Pisces) and a 6-month plan for the opposing Virgo Full Moon in 2023.


Rest, relax and declutter


Love Emma x x 

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