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New Moon - Scorpio Edition
This year on Tuesday, October 25th we enter a New Moon in Scorpio. I love this Moon phase in this sign as it is so fitting to the aura of the Scorpion zodiac, dark, mysterious, gothic and magical. This is a Moon to change and transform whether that be your life, career, personal style or even an overall outlook on the world, let’s get this done now. Scorpio season is INTENSE and adding into the mix major Lunar energy, yeah, it’s powerful.
We do need to start with a warning for our emotions under this Moon, yes, other Moons are emotional such as the Cancer and Pisces Moons but this is different. This is raw, this will expose your vulnerability like never before, this can uncover emotions suppressed so deep within yourself that you may feel blown wide open and laid bare. But, do not allow any fear of this energy to enter in as forewarned is forearmed so we need to figure out how to use this to our advantage and not be a Scorpio season victim. Always remember, things don’t happen to us, they happen for us.
There are two important ways to use this energy on this night and that is manifestation and journaling. If you make a promise to yourself to be completely honest with your answers, you may (or may not) be surprised by what you uncover. Look after yourself this evening, take a ritual bath, get comfy, warm and cosy and go within. When you’re ready, make a start on the following prompts
Ø Am I happy?
This is a very simple question but can open so much up. If the answer is no, elaborate as much as you can down to every last detail, take your time and make sure you cover everything.
Ø Am I repeating cycles?
If you’re single, look back at past relationships and ask yourself what they all have in common. Whatever that common denominator is it clearly isn’t working out for you. The Universe keeps sending us the same lesson time and again until you learn it and once you have that lightbulb moment and figure that out, you’re done with it and things will start to change for the better.
Ø Where do I need to release fear?
Scorpions do not feel fear. They are strong powerful humans, proud of their zodiac and everything it entails. What are you really scared of and be truthful with yourself?
To help channel the Scorpio energy look at the sign’s keywords and use them as a helpful tool to pull out these answers from your soul. Some are: ambitious, emotionally intense, desire, depth, magnetic, loyal, jealous, possessive, secretive, harsh, dark and magical. Can any of these resonate with your own personality or shadow side, or do you see this in others and their treatment of you?
So, to use this magical Lunar and seasonal energy to make a typical Scorpio transformation and create your own phoenix from the ashes vibe, we use manifestation. One very simple and quick way to use manifestation and the Law of Attraction, is to re-read everything you have just sat and journaled from the heart. Take all these revelations and write a journal entry dated exactly twelve months from now. Write in the present tense and describe your day. How does that look to you? How does that make you feel? It is honestly achievable!
So, just go easy on yourself during this Moon, relax and rest as much as you can, and remember, the fun of Samhain is only days away!!!
Lots of Love, Emma x x
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