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Pisces Full Moon
10 September 2022

Pisces Full Moon




On Saturday 10th September our beautiful Moon is at its fullest size in the constellation of Pisces. This starts to welcome in Libra season as we head towards the Libra New Moon and is also known as the Harvest Moon. We have already looked at how we can assess our own “harvest” in the last Virgo Season blog post, but this is a totally different vibe altogether. 


Before we can look more deeply at the dreamy Pisces Moon, we need to acknowledge pesky Mercury going retrograde… again! Mercury is retro from the 9th of September until the 1st of October so let’s just remind ourselves what this chaotic time involves. Mercury is the planet of communication so expect difficulties and glitches, whether that be emails weirdly not being sent, mobile phones playing up or overall technological mishaps. Please just remain aware of miscommunications between friends, family, and partners. Keep any serious discussions that need to be had until after October 1st! 


So, heading back over to the watery Pisces Moon we need to bask in the beauty of the changing seasons, the shorter days, and the nearing of the Autumn Equinox. Who of us loves witchy Autumn the most?! The season of pumpkins, witches, Samhain, cosy nights, and Hocus Pocus 2! This Moon tells us this is COMING! 


Calm water sign Pisceans are by nature empathic and open to energies and we all have the opportunity to draw on this during this Moon. Although, current empaths just beware of these amplified energies! This Moon will hit hard. Being more in touch with your own energy and intuition can create past trauma rearing its ugly head or even the arrival of past loved ones for us all though and I promise you, this will pass. Take the lessons and learn from them. Remember, exes and exes for a reason and this amazing season we are entering, is too magical to drag that energy forward with us.  Leave the past where it belongs. 


The Pisces energy is daydreamy and imaginative and very head in the clouds, as well as being the sign of universal consciousness and in touch with cosmic energies. While the sun is still in Virgo to keep us grounded and back on this planet. Use the night-time to dream up your manifestations and the daylight hours to make practical plans to achieve them. 


This is a perfect time to use visualisation for manifestation. Yes, it’s a Full Moon and we normally focus on release, and we still should and can! A simple ritual is to do an outdoor one for this Moon before the weather gets too cold (if it is safe in the dark to do so). First release what no longer serves you and creates energetic or creative blockages within yourself or your heart…. Then hand over to your imagination. Imagine the life you want, the partner you want, the job you want. Allow yourself while Moon bathing to visualize in your minds eye how this looks, feels, smells. Imagine you’re already there, with what you want and need. Have fun with this and don’t hold back! This is also the ideal time for self-care and solitude while we navigate our energies. 


Due to this Moon bringing the potential for past hurt resurfacing, if you do start to struggle, I have provided you with some journal prompts to help you navigate through it.


  • By not forgiving past hurt, what benefit does that have for me? 
  • How can I start to make steps to move on from this? 
  • Is letting go the same as giving up? Why or why not? 


This is the perfect time to be The Hermit from the major arcana part of the tarot. Go within, work on yourself and spend some alone time to allow your growth. Just take it easy and wait patiently for some autumn magic. As always, please remember you don’t have to navigate these energies alone and we are always here for you to talk you through anything you need. 


Love Emma x x 

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